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Authors: Nguyễn Huu Du, Nguyen Thanh Dieu
Journal: Acta Mathematica Vietnamica; ISSN: 2315-4144; Year: 2013
Journal: 3rd International Conference on Sciences and Social Sciences 2013: Research and Development for Sustainable Life Quality, Thailand ; ISSN: xxx; Year: 2013
Authors: Thai-Hoan Pham, Seung-Eock Kim
Journal: Korean Society of Civil Engineers; ISSN: xxxx-xxxx; Year: 2013
Authors: Thai-Hoan Pham, Seung-Eock Kim
Journal: Korean Society of Civil Engineers; ISSN: xxxx-xxxx; Year: 2013
Authors: Le T. M. Chau, Tran D. Thang, Le V. Diep, Do N. Dai, Isiaka A. Ogunwande, Le T. Huong, Pham H. Ban and Hoang D. Trung
Journal: Natural Product Communications; ISSN: ISSN 1934-578X; Year: 2013
Authors: Ho Anh Tuan, Ludmila Victorovna Cepurnova, Nguyen Thi My Yen, Hoang Xuan Quang, Hoang Ngoc Thao.
Journal: Proeedings of the 5th National Scientific Conference on Ecology and Biological Resources Hanoi; ISSN: 978-604-60-0730-2.; Year: 2013
Authors: Le Thi My Chau, Nguyen Tan Thanh
Journal: Da Nang Publishing; ISSN: xxxxx; Year: 2013
Journal: ; ISSN: ; Year: 2013
Authors: Pham Xuan Son
Journal: Journal of Educational Science-Ministry of Education and Training; ISSN: 2189608667476; Year: 2013
Journal: ; ISSN: ; Year: 2013