[1] |
Authors: Ta Thi Hoai An, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Diep
Journal: Journal of Number Theory;
ISSN: 0022-314X;
Year: 2014
[2] |
Authors: Tran Thi Kim Oanh, Cao Thanh Son
Journal: Vinh University Journal of Science;
ISSN: 1859-2228;
Year: 2014
[3] |
Authors: Lê Thị Tuyết Hạnh
Journal: Journal of Social science - Vinh university;
ISSN: 1859-2228;
Year: 2014
[4] |
Authors: Nguyen Thi Huong - Le cong Phuong
Journal: Nha XB giao duc;
Year: 2014
[5] |
Authors: Tran Van An, Nguyen Van Dung, Vo Thi Le Hang
Journal: Filomat;
ISSN: 2406-0933;
Year: 2014
[6] |
Authors: PGS. TS. Đào Khang, TS. Trần Thị Tuyến, TS. Nguyễn Thị Trang Thanh, TS. Nguyễn Thị Việt Hà, TS. Lươn
Journal: Information and communication;
Year: 2014
[7] |
Journal: Criteria of building a system of questions during reading comprehension time for secondary school students;
ISSN: 2189608667476;
Year: 2014
[8] |
Journal: Criteria of building a system of questions during reading comprehension time for secondary school students;
ISSN: 1859-2228;
Year: 2014
[9] |
Journal: Develop the ability to create a discussion text for high school students;
ISSN: 08683662;
Year: 2014
[10] |
Journal: Develop creative writing skills for students through reading comprehension activities in the high school;
ISSN: 23540753;
Year: 2014