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Authors: Nguyen Thi Huyen, Tran Vo Thi Hoai, Nguyen Thi Giang An, Ho Anh Tuan, Hoang Ngoc Thao
Journal: Proceedings of the 6th National scientific conference on ecology and biology resources. Ha Noi.; ISSN: 978-604-913-408-1; Year: 2015
Authors: 武文登, 郑涛
Journal: 当代体育科技,当代体育杂志社; ISSN: ISSN 2095-2813; Year: 2015
Authors: Tran Van Hung, Nguyen Duc Dien, Nguyen Le Ai Vinh, Mai Van Chung
Journal: Proceeding of The 2nd national Conference on Research and teaching Biology in VIetnam, Dan Nang, May 20th 2016; ISSN: ISBN 978-604-62-5440; Year: 2015
Authors: Ngo Thi Quynh Nga
Journal: Vietnam Journal of Social Science Manpower, Graduate academy of social sciences, No.4.; ISSN: ISSN; Year: 2015
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Huyền, Trần Thị Phương Chi
Journal: Hội nghị toàn quốc về sinh thái và tài nguyên sinh vật lần thứ 6; ISSN: 0; Year: 2015
Journal: ; ISSN: ; Year: 2015
Authors: Hoang Thị Nga
Journal: Sai Gon University; ISSN: 1859-3208; Year: 2015
Authors: Hoang Thi Nga
Journal: Proceedings of the National Workshop on " Training to meet the needs of society "; ISSN: 0000; Year: 2015
Authors: Nguyen Thi Chung
Journal: Applied Chemistry / Vietnam Chemical Society; ISSN: 1859-4069; Year: 2015
Authors: Nguyễn Thanh Hưng, Nghiêm Mạnh Hiến, Trần Văn Liên
Journal: Conference Proceedings work nationwide Science Solid Mechanics Materials XII th deformation, Da Nang, 6-7 / 8/2015, PUBLISHER OF NATURAL SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY 5/2016; ISSN: ISBN 978-604-913 -45; Year: 2015