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Authors: Tran Thi Thanh Tam
Journal: Journal of Finance; ISSN: 005-56; Year: 2015
Authors: Phuong Thao Truong Thi
Journal: Utehy Juornal of science and technology; ISSN: ISSN 2354- 0575; Year: 2015
Authors: Tran Thi Kim Oanh
Journal: Journal of economics & development; ISSN: 1859-0012; Year: 2015
Authors: Nguyen Dinh San, Nguyen Thi Xuan
Journal: Vinh university, Journal of science , 44. N. 2A, 2015; ISSN: ISSN 1859-2228; Year: 2015
Authors: Banh Thi Thao
Journal: Asian Pacific Economic Review; ISSN: 0868-3808; Year: 2015
Authors: Phuong Thao Truong Thi
Journal: magazines and union labor; ISSN: ISSN 0866-7578; Year: 2015
Authors: Truong Thi Thanh Vinh, Tran Ngoc Hung
Journal: Science and Technology Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development; ISSN: 1859 - 4581; Year: 2015
Authors: Duong Thi Quynh Lien
Journal: The Journal of Finance; ISSN: ISN-005-56; Year: 2015
Authors: Duong Thi Quynh Lien
Journal: journal of inlormation and socio-economic forecasts; ISSN: ISSN 1859-0764; Year: 2015
Authors: nguyenluomgbang
Journal: thainguyen universty; ISSN: 0; Year: 2015