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Authors: Le Duc Giang, Nguyen Thi Quynh Giang
Journal: Publisher of pedagogical university; ISSN: 2354-1075; Year: 2017
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Lam Giang Nguyễn Lê Hoài Thu
Journal: 14th Annual CAMTESOL Conference; ISSN: không; Year: 2017
Authors: Nguyen thi thuu vinh
Journal: NXB dai hoc vinh; ISSN: ISSN; Year: 2017
Authors: Le Vu Sao Mai
Journal: Proceedings of the National Scientific Seminar "Socio-economic issues in implementing the SDG 2030 sustainable development goals of Vietnam; ISSN: 9786046530312; Year: 2017
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Diễm Hằng, Cao Cự Giác, Lê Danh Bình.
Journal: Proceedings of the international conference on "Developing the pedagogical capacity of the contingent of natural science teachers to meet the requirements of renewing the general education"; ISSN: ISBN: 978-604-913-65; Year: 2017
Authors: Nguyen Thị Bich Thuy Nguyen Thị Hanh Duyen
Journal: Proceedings of the seminar on the development of the private economy in the North Central region / Vinh University Publishing House / Vinh University; ISSN: 978-604-923-378-4; Year: 2017
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Lam Giang
Journal: Thailand ICSSS Conference 2018; ISSN: kỷ yếu online; Year: 2017
Authors: Hoàng Hữ Việt, Lê Quốc Anh, Cao Thanh Sơn, Trần Xuân Hào
Journal: AUN-QA 2018 International confference/ Bangkok/ ThaiLan; ISSN: NULL; Year: 2017
Authors: Pham Thi Ha Nguyen Van Trung
Journal: geo-spatial technologyes and earth resources (gter 2017)/publishing house for science and techology/Viet Nam; ISSN: 978-604-913-618-4; Year: 2017
Authors: Hoang Thi Nga
Journal: Publisher of Information and Communication; ISSN: 0000; Year: 2017