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Journal: ; ISSN: ISBN: 978-604-376-168-9; Year: 2022
Journal: Nghe An; ISSN: 978-604-964-793-2; Year: 2022
Authors: Le The Cuong, Mai Thi Thanh Nga
Journal: abc; ISSN: ; Year: 2022
Authors: Vo Thi Hoai Thuong
Journal: Proceedings of the scientific conference: Remnants of Lam Son uprising on Quy Hop land - status of conservation and promotion of values; ISSN: ; Year: 2022
Journal: ; ISSN: ISSN/ 0936-8477; Year: 2022
Journal: Nghe An; ISSN: ; Year: 2022
Authors: Mai Phuong Ngoc, Vang Thi Kim Yen
Journal: VNU Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities; ISSN: 2354-1172; Year: 2022
Authors: Nguyen Quang Hong
Journal: Proceedings of the Scientific Conference "Traces of Lam Son uprising in Quy Hop land: Remnants, reality and promotion"; ISSN: ; Year: 2022
Authors: Nguyen Anh Chuong
Journal: Journal of Historical Studies; ISSN: 0866-7497; Year: 2022
Authors: Nguyen Anh Chuong
Journal: VINH UNIVERSITY JOURNAL OF SCIENCE; ISSN: 1859-2228; Year: 2022