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Authors: Bui Van Hao
Journal: Social science; ISSN: ; Year: 2015
Journal: ; ISSN: ; Year: 2015
Authors: Phan Quoc Huy
Journal: Journal of Teaching and Learning today; ISSN: 1859 - 2694; Year: 2015
Authors: Phan Quoc Huy
Journal: , Proceedings of Workshop Proceedings scientific and technical DUE Vinh; ISSN: 1859 - 2694; Year: 2015
Authors: Tran Viet Quang
Journal: Proceedings of the National Scientific Conference Station : Management of educational institutions in the context of fundamental innovation , comprehensive education and training , Vinh University Pub; ISSN: 0; Year: 2015
Authors: Tran Viet Quang
Journal: Journal of Education , special issue , ( 11/2014 ) , tr.40 - 42; ISSN: 0; Year: 2015
Authors: Tran Viet Quang - Nguyen Thi Diep
Journal: Proceedings of National Scientific Workshop Training of Trainers capacity of Pedagogy ; Information and communication Publishing House , 2015; ISSN: 0; Year: 2015
Authors: Hoang Thị Nga
Journal: Sai Gon University; ISSN: 1859-3208; Year: 2015
Authors: Hoang Thi Nga
Journal: Proceedings of the National Workshop on " Training to meet the needs of society "; ISSN: 0000; Year: 2015
Authors: Ngo Thi Quynh Nga
Journal: Vietnam Journal of Social Science Manpower, Graduate academy of social sciences, No.4.; ISSN: ISSN; Year: 2015