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Journal: Vietnam Journal of Agriculture and Rural Development; ISSN: 1859-4581; Year: 2019
Authors: Pham My Dung, Nguyen Thi Thanh, Nguyen Quang Huy
Journal: Vinh university Publishing house; ISSN: ; Year: 2019
Journal: Science and Technology of Agriculture and Rural Development; ISSN: ISN1859-4581; Year: 2019
Authors: Vo Duy Viet, Nguyen Anh Dung, Hoang Xuan Truong et al
Journal: Nghe An Publishing House; ISSN: 978-604-964-292-0; Year: 2019
Authors: Hoang Thi Mai, Le Dinh Phung, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Van Ngoc Phong, Ho Le Quynh Chau
Journal: Journal of Animal husbandry sciences and Technics; ISSN: ISSN 1859-476X; Year: 2019
Authors: Hoang Thi Mai, Le Dinh Phung, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Van Ngoc Phong, Tran Thanh Hai
Journal: Journal of Animal husbandry sciences and Technics; ISSN: ISSN 1859-476X; Year: 2019
Authors: Hoang Thi Mai, Le Dinh Phung, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Van Ngoc Phong, Ho Le Quynh Chau
Journal: Journal of Animal husbandry sciences and Technics; ISSN: ISSN 1859-476X; Year: 2019
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Thúy Hà
Journal: ky yeu; ISSN: 0000-0000; Year: 2019
Authors: không
Journal: Proceedings of 11th Nation scientific conference on Geography; ISSN: 234; Year: 2019
Journal: Youth Publishing House; ISSN: 155; Year: 2019