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Authors: Balázs Farkas, Thomas Ziegler, Cuong The Pham, An Vinh Ong, Uwe Fritz
Journal: ZooKeys 824: 71–86 (2019) doi: 10.3897/zookeys.824.31376; ISSN: 13132970, 13132989; Year: 2019
Authors: Ong Vinh AN
Journal: Studia Universitatis Moldaviae; ISSN: 1814- 3199; Year: 2019
Authors: Tuong, T. D.; Nguyen, Dang H.; Dieu, N. T.; Tran, Ky
Journal: Nonlinear Anal. Hybrid Syst.; ISSN: 1751-570X; Year: 2019
Journal: Journal of the Optical Society of America B; ISSN: 1520-8540; Year: 2019
Authors: Ong Vinh An
Journal: Proccedings of the 4 National Scientific Conference on Amphibians and Reptiles in Vietnam, Thanh hoa 30/8/2019; ISSN: 9786- 0491; Year: 2019
Authors: Ong Vinh An
Journal: Proccedings of the 4 National Scientific Conference on Amphibians and Reptiles in Vietnam, Thanh hoa 30/8/2019; ISSN: 9786- 0491; Year: 2019
Authors: Không
Journal: Vietnam Journal of Education; ISSN: ISSN 2354-0753; Year: 2019
Journal: Vietnam Journal of Educational Science; ISSN: 2615-8957; Year: 2019
Journal: American Journal of Educational Research; ISSN: 2327-6150; Year: 2019
Journal: American Journal of Educational Research; ISSN: 2327-6150; Year: 2019