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Authors: Nguyen Tien Von, Nguyen Xuan Ba, Nguyen Huu Van and Hoang Thi Mai
Journal: Science and technology journal of agriculture and rural development; ISSN: 1859-4581; Year: 2014
Authors: Nguyễn Đình Vinh, Phạm Tùng, Tạ Thị Bình, Trần Đình Đức
Journal: Journal of science; ISSN: ISSN 1859 -2228; Year: 2014
Authors: Vu Chi Cuong and Hoang Huu Tinh
Journal: Journal of Science - Vinh University; ISSN: 1859-2228; Year: 2014
Authors: Tuan Chu Trong
Journal: Journal of education; ISSN: 2189608667476; Year: 2014
Authors: Nguyen Hoa Du, Le Van Diep
Journal: Journal of Science; ISSN: 1859-2228; Year: 2014
Authors: Oanh Kim Thai Thi
Journal: Journal of Economics and Development , page 85-94 , No. 209 ( II ) May 11/2014; ISSN: 1859-0012; Year: 2014
Authors: Hai Truong Phan
Journal: Asia-Pacific Economic Review; ISSN: 0868-3808; Year: 2014
Authors: Phan Quoc Lam
Journal: Journal of Education , Special Issue, 9/2014; ISSN: 1859-0810; Year: 2014
Authors: Phan Quốc Lâm
Journal: Journal of Teacher, 90 (10/2014); ISSN: 1859-2902; Year: 2014
Authors: Nguyen Ngoc Hien
Journal: VNU Journal of Science; ISSN: 0866-8612; Year: 2014