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Authors: Pham Thi Hai Chau
Journal: ; ISSN: ISSN 2615-8957; Year: 2021
Authors: Pham Thi Hai Chau
Journal: Viet Nam Journal of Education; ISSN: ISSN 2354-0753; Year: 2021
Journal: Vietnam Trade and industry Review; ISSN: ISSN:0866-7756; Year: 2021
Authors: Nguyen Thi Kim Thi
Journal: Proceedings of the Scientific Conference "Applying the viewpoints and guidelines of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in teaching and scientific research"; ISSN: ISBN 978-604-923-618-1; Year: 2021
Authors: Nguyen Thi Kim Thi
Journal: Proceedings of the Scientific Conference "Applying the viewpoints and guidelines of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam in teaching and scientific research"; ISSN: ISBN 978-604-923-618-1; Year: 2021
Authors: Bảo
Journal: Teachers of Vietnam Scientific Journal; ISSN: 1859-2962; Year: 2021
Journal: ; ISSN: 0866 - 7756; Year: 2021
Journal: ; ISSN: ; Year: 2020
Authors: Ong Thi Mai Thuong
Journal: State Management Review; ISSN: ISSN 2354 - 0761; Year: 2020
Authors: Nguyễn Bùi Hậu, Ôn Thị Lưu Bình, Phan Lê Na
Journal: Educational equipment; ISSN: 1959-0810; Year: 2020