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Journal: Journal of Education; ISSN: 0866-7476; Year: 2019
Journal: Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism - Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts; ISSN: 000000; Year: 2019
Authors: Vu Van Luong, Le Van Thang, Đuong Van Hieu, Hoang Xuan Thao
Journal: The proceedings of the National Geographic Science Conference in the United States "the Geographical Science of Vietnam serves a sustainable development during the Industrial Revolution of 4.0". ; ISSN: ISBN:97860498226; Year: 2019
Authors: Vu Van Luong1*, Le Van Thang2, Đuong Van Hieu2
Journal: he proceedings of the National Geographic Science Conference in the United States "the Geographical Science of Vietnam serves a sustainable development during the Industrial Revolution of 4.0".; ISSN: ISBN:97860498226; Year: 2019
Journal: Youth Publishing House; ISSN: 155; Year: 2019
Authors: Hoang Huu Viet
Journal: Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing; ISSN: 2194-5357; Year: 2019
Journal: The 5th Vietnam International Conference and Exhibition on Control and Automation (VCCA); ISSN: 978-604-913-429-6; Year: 2019
Journal: The 5th Vietnam International Conference and Exhibition on Control and Automation (VCCA); ISSN: 978-604-913-429-6; Year: 2019
Journal: Human rights through 5 years of implementing the Constitution 2013; ISSN: 0; Year: 2019
Journal: ; ISSN: ; Year: 2019