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Authors: Nguyễn Thị Thanh Trâm
Journal: Hội Thảo quyền con người trong tố tụng hình sự; ISSN: 123; Year: 2018
Journal: 运动生物力学; ISSN: CABS2018; Year: 2018
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Ngọc Hà
Journal: Vinh Uni; ISSN: 978-604-923-341-8; Year: 2018
Journal: ; ISSN: 978-604-923-387-4; Year: 2018
Journal: Proceedings of the First Southeast Asia Regional Psychological Conference "Human well-being and sustainable development", RCP 2017, Vol. 2, pp 430-437; ISSN: ISBN 978-604-62-9912-7; Year: 2017
Journal: Proceedings of the International Conference "Training and retraining general education teachers and managers of general education institutions and pedagogical teachers", Publisher of Vinh University; ISSN: ; Year: 2017
Authors: Nguyen Trung Kien
Journal: International Conference, Vinh University; ISSN: 1859-2228; Year: 2017
Authors: Dinh Van Liem
Journal: Seminar between Law Faculty - National University and Vinh University Law Faculty; ISSN: Hội thảo; Year: 2017
Authors: Nguyen thi thuu vinh
Journal: NXB dai hoc vinh; ISSN: ISSN; Year: 2017
Authors: Le Vu Sao Mai
Journal: Proceedings of the National Scientific Seminar "Socio-economic issues in implementing the SDG 2030 sustainable development goals of Vietnam; ISSN: 9786046530312; Year: 2017