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Journal: Linguistics Journal; ISSN: xxx; Year: 2011
Authors: Nguyễn Huu Du, Nguyen Thanh Dieu
Journal: Stochastic Analysis and Applications; ISSN: 1532-9356; Year: 2011
Authors: Phan Thi Huong
Journal: Proceedings of The Foreign Language Teaching Methods Conference – Hong Duc University – Vietnam – October 2010; ISSN: 1234-1234; Year: 2010
Journal: PHOTONICS LETTERS OF POLAND; ISSN: 2080-2242; Year: 2010
Journal: ; ISSN: 0362-546X; Year: 2010
Journal: ; ISSN: 0362-546X; Year: 2010
Journal: ; ISSN: 1553-166X; Year: 2010
Journal: ; ISSN: 0022-247X; Year: 2009
Authors: Phan Thi Huong
Journal: Proceedings of the conference on Effective Methods for English Language Teaching – Vinh University – Vietnam – October 2009; ISSN: 1234-1234; Year: 2009
Authors: Phan Thi Hương
Journal: Proceedings of the conference on Innovating Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages – Hung Vuong University – Vietnam – September 2008; ISSN: 1234-1234; Year: 2008