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Thickness and Temperature-Dependent Traits of CdSe/CdSeS Heterostructure Nanocrystals
Authors: Le Canh Trung
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Journal of Electronic Materials
: 12     : 7914-7923
Publishing year: 12/2024
Measurement of dispersive profile of a multi-window EIT spectrum in a Doppler-broadened atomic mediumTWO SPOT COUPLED RING RESONATORSPHASE REFRACTIVE INDEX MEASUREMENTS OF WATER BY the INTERFEROMETRY OF BROAD LIGHT SOURCE.Analysis of dispersion characteristics of solid-core PCFs with different types of lattice in the claddings, infiltrated with ethanolOptimization of the ultra-flattened normal dispersion in photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with olive oil for supercontinuum generationDISPERSION SPECTRUM OF EIT EFFECT IN THE GASEOUS RUBIDIUM 85 IN THE PRESENCE OF DOPLER BROADENINGSupercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion suspended core fiber infiltrated with waterSUPERCONTINUUM GENERATION IN THE CLADDING MODE OF PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBER WITH HOLLOW COREPROPERTIES OF PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBERS WITH CORE FILLED CHLOROFORMNUMERICAL SIMULATION OF ALL-NORMAL DISPERSION VISIBLE TO NEAR-INFRARED SUPERCONTINUUM GENERATION IN PHOTONIC CRYSTAL FIBERS WITH CORE FILLED CHLOROFORMSilica-based photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with 1, 2-dibromoethane for supercontinuum generationThe infuence of the laser on acoustic phonon amplifcation in parabolic potential wellComparison of supercontinuum spectrum generating by hollow core PCFs filled with nitrobenzene with different lattice typesSupercontinuum generation in chalcogenide photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with liquidBroadband supercontinuum generation in cascaded tapered liquid core fiberTHE EFFECT OF TEMPERATUREON REFRACTIVE INDEX OF CARBON DISULFIDE