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Textbook of Vietnamese Constitutional Law
Authors: Đinh Văn Liêm, Nguyễn Đăng Dung , Thái Vĩnh Thắng, Đinh Ngọc Thắng, Nguyễn Thị Hà
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Vinh University Publishing House
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Publishing year: 2021
" Discussion of administrative decisions - the object of the adjudication of administrative cases "cientific and technological development and technology and human rightsThe powers of the first-instance trial panel according to the Law on Administrative Procedure in 2015To ensure the principle of litigation in the first-instance trial of Administrative Cases in VietnamDiscuss some solutions to improve the effectiveness of the first instance trial in Vietnamese administrative proceedingsTo settle administrative cases according to the abbreviated procedures in the first-instance courts according to the provisions of the Administrative Laws of 2015discuss the factors affecting the effectiveness of the first instance trial of administrative cases in VietnamJurisdiction to conduct first-instance administrative cases of people's courts according to the provisions of the Administrative Laws of 2015"Improving the effectiveness of first instance trial of administrative cases in Vietnam"To ensure the independence of the court in the first instance trial of administrative cases in VietnamEnsuring human rights in procedural activitiesDiscuss some solutions to improve the law on public services in the administrative field in Vietnam during the period of integration and globalizationThe law on administrative proceedings with the guarantee of human rights and citizens' rights in VietnamEnsuring human rights in administrative proceedingsModel redundant playback in some countries in the world and experiences for VietnamHuman rights over 5 years of implementing the ConstitutionPublic service, some theoretical, legal and practical issuesInnovating the content and teaching methods of Administrative Law to meet the current social requirements and international integration contextComplaints, lawsuits and administrative disputes settlement Procedures for applying other administrative handling measures need to ensure democracy and human rightsA number of new solutions to change the content and teaching methods of Administrative Law in response to current social requirements and international integration context. Some comments on the draft amendment of the 1992 ConstitutionSome ideas to strengthen faculty capacity in training high-quality law bachelor's degree to meet social and labor market requirements Protection of human rights in the application of administrative handling measures of Vietnamese law152 / 5000 Kết quả dịch Some solutions to improve the effectiveness of propaganda and dissemination of the law on information security and skills in using social networks for students todayEnsuring the safety of personal information in the social network environment for young people in Vietnam todayDiscuss some recommendations to improve the legal provisions on the competence to sanction administrative violationsDiscuss some solutions that contribute to ensuring the independence of the court in the first trial of administrative cases in Vietnamsolutions to improve the self-study skill of law students to meet training requirements in the context of Vietnam’s integration process .ENSURE PRINCIPLES OF LITIGATION AT THE COURT OF FIRST INJURY OF ADMINISTRATIVE CASES IN VIETNAMSome suggestions to improve the quality of skills training for Economic law students in the current contextGeneral Law TextbookIMPROVE THE QUALITY OF TRAINING ASSOCIATED WITH PRACTICAL SKILLS FOR LAW STUDENTS TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE WORLD OF WORK AND INTEGRATIONInnovating the content and teaching methods of Administrative Law to meet 163 requirements for training judicial human resourcesFirst instance trial of administrative cases in VietNamImproving the effectiveness of human rights education at universities, from the practice of VInh University