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Static stability analysis of FGP plate on Kerr elastic foundation using simple first-order shear deformation theory
Authors: Hai.L.T, Long. N.V, Tu.T.M
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Proceedings of the National Conference on Mechanics
: Tập 1     : 288-294
Publishing year: 4/2024
Based on the simple first-order shear deformation theory with four displacement variables, the paper constructs a Navier solution for static linear stability analysis of a porous plate (FGP) placed on a Kerr elastic foundation. Two types of pore distribution laws of the FGP material are considered: uniform distribution and non-uniform - symmetric distribution. The stability verification examples of the plate show the reliability of the applied model. The influence of material parameters, compressive load parameters and elastic foundation parameters on the stability behavior of the plate is investigated through numerical examples.
FGP plate, Kerr elastic foundation, stability analysis, simple first-order shear deformation theory, Navier solution.
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