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Managing natural disaster risks and adapting to climate change
Authors: Trần Thị Tuyến, Nguyễn Thị Việt Hà
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Vinh University
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Publishing year: 2023
Mountainous landscape for agriculture and forestry development (case study in Quy Chau district, NghCharacteristics of landscape differentiation in the Chau Hạnh commune and Tan Lac town, Quy Chau districts, Nghe An provinceDetermining the biomass of rehabilitated forest vegetation in Quy Chau district, Nghe An, Viet NamỨng dụng GIS để dự báo chất lượng môi rường không khí tại Thành phố Vinh, Nghệ AnSTATUS QUO OF MANAGEMENT AND PLANNING THE NETWORK COLLECTION SOLID WASTE IN VINH CITY, NGHE AN PROVINCEAPPLICATIONS IDW MODEL IN GIS TO FORECAST THE AIR ENVIRONMENT QUALITY IN VINH CITY, NGHE AN PROVINCEAPPLICATIONS GIS AND REMOTE SENSING IN ASSESSMENT THE FOREST FIRE RISK IN PU MAT NATIONAL PARK, NGHE AN PROVINCEResearch on indigenous knowledge of Thai people in management and use of forest resources in Pu Hoat Nature Reserve, Nghe An province, Thai National Workshop. Nghe An, 2017.Determining the index of mountainous landscape changes (case study in Quy Chau district, Nghe An province)Evaluation of the economics of orange trees in Nghe An provinceA multidimensional approach to poverty research (practical in the mountainous areas of Nghe An,ENVIRONMENTAL PLANNINGAssessing land adaptation for agricultural development with GIS and AHP (Case study in Yen Khe commune, Con Cuong district, Nghe An province)DETERMINED THE WEIGHT OF FACTORS INFLUENCE AND RISK OF FORESTS IN PU MAT NATIONAL PARK, NGHE AN PROVINCEDevelopment of a Novel Hybrid Intelligence Approach for Landslide Spatial PredictionDevelopment of an Artificial Intelligence Approach for Prediction of Consolidation Coefficient of Soft Soil: A Sensitivity AnalysisAgricultural Land Suitability Analysis for Yen Khe Hills (NgheAn, Vietnam) using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Agricultural Land Suitability Analysis for Yen Khe Hills (NgheAn, Vietnam) using Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) Combined with Geographic Information Systems (GIS)Management and agricultural land uses of Thai people in the west of Nghe An province, VietnamRelationship between mangrove vegetation and topography, hydrological regime in Hung Hoa, Vinh City, Nghe An (EME)Basis of Natural resources and environment managementImproved flood susceptibility mapping using a best first decision tree integrated with ensemble learning techniquesPopulation dynamics of a Sonneratia caseolaris stand in the Lam River estuary of Vietnam: a restoration perspective Chapter book Study on Stand Structure of Secondary Mangrove Forest: Sonneratia caseolaris-Aegiceras corniculatum Stand for Introducing Silvofishery Systems to Shrimp Culture PondsChapter book Study on Stand Structure of Secondary Mangrove Forest: Sonneratia caseolaris-Aegiceras corniculatum Stand for Introducing Silvofishery Systems to Shrimp Culture PondsChapter book Study on Stand Structure of Secondary Mangrove Forest: Sonneratia caseolaris-Aegiceras corniculatum Stand for Introducing Silvofishery Systems to Shrimp Culture PondsIdentification of mangrove ecosystem services in the coastal area of Nghe An province by community approachCrop management on swidden farming by Indigenous groups in mountainous of Nghe An province, VietnamAn integrated approach of GIS-AHP-MCE methods for the selection of suitable sites for the shrimp farming and mangrove development- A case study of the coastal area of VietnamDetermining the ecosystem services of mangrove forest by community approach in coastal Nghe An provinceĐánh giá rủi ro xói mòn đất tại Thành phố Đà Nẵng bằng ứng dụng Công nghệ GIS và Viễn thámDEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE TOURISM BASED ON ECOSYSTEM IN Nghia Dan District, Nghe An ProvinceEvaluation of Mangrove Ecosystem Importance for Local Livelihoods in Different Landscapes: A Case Study of the Hau and Hoang Mai River Estuaries in Nghe An, North-Central Vietnam Assessing Flash Flood Risks Based on Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and Geographic Information System (GIS): A Case Study of Hieu Catchment (Nghe An, Vietnam)Study on Stand Structure of Secondary Mangrove Forest: Sonneratia caseolaris-Aegiceras corniculatum Stand for Introducing Silvofishery Systems to Shrimp Culture PondsMapping of soil erosion susceptibility using advanced machine learning models at Nghe An, VietnamPrediction of white spot disease susceptibility in shrimps using decision trees based machine learning modelsPotential risks of soil erosion in North-Central Vietnam using remote sensing and GISIntegrating Remote Sensing, GIS and Machine Learning Approaches in Evaluation of Landslide Susceptibility in Mountainous Region of Nghe An Province, Vietnam