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Diversity of Water Beetles (Coleoptera) Over Different Habitats in Some Provinces in Vietnam
Tác giả: Nguyen Quang Cuong, Nguyen Thanh Manh, Phan Thi Giang, Thai Thi Ngoc Lam, Nguyen Dac Dai and Truong Xuan Lam
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Biological Forum – An International Journal
Quyển: 16(8): 01-08(2024)     Trang: 16(8): 01-08(2024)
Năm xuất bản: 8/2024
Tóm tắt
We conducted research on diversity indexes in different habitats of the water beetles (Coleoptera) in forest habitats, agricultural landscapes, and freshwater habitats including ponds and streams from 20 sample collection locations in Bac Kan, Lao Cai, Cao Bang, Ninh Binh and Ha Tinh provinces. Research results show that a total of 35 species belonging to 23 genera of 4 families of water beetles (Coleoptera) have been recorded. The Shannon_H index, Simpson (1-D) index, and Berger-Parker index differed among studied provinces and were highest in Lao Cai province and the lowest in Bac Kan province. The Dominance_D, Simpson_1-D, Shannon_H, Evenness_e^H/S, Brillouin, Menhinick, Margalef, Equitability_J, Fisher_alpha, Berger-Parker, Chao-1 index also differed among at 20 sample collection locations from NB1 to VQ4. The evenness of the water beetles (Coleoptera) was divided into 4 different main groups for 20 sample collection locations. The Shannon_H index, Simpson (1-D) index, species richness and individual rarefaction were higher in forest habitats than in agricultural landscapes. However, this species richness was no different in freshwater habitats including ponds and streams.
Từ khóa
Water beetles, Coleoptera, diversity index, forest habitats, agricultural landscapes, freshwater habitats, pond, stream.
Cùng tác giả
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