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Chemical Examination and Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils from the Leaves and Rhizomes of Meistera caudata Šída f. & Škorničk. (Zingiberaceae)
Authors: Hieu Tran-Trung,Le Duc Giang,Dinh Thi Huyen Trang,Nguyen Thi Giang An,Nguyen Ngoc Hieu,Danh C Vu,Trang H.D Nguyen,Hien Nguyen-Thi-Thu &Hoang Van Trung
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Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature
: 13(1)     : 68-75
Publishing year: 3/2023
Meistera caudata is a new endemic Vietnamese species that belong to the Zingiberaceae family. In the present work, the chemical compositions of essential oils (EOs) from M. caudata leaves and rhizomes and their antimicrobial activities were reported for the first time. The gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/ MS) analytical results revealed that α-pinene, β-pinene, and camphene were the most abundant components in both EO samples. Specifically, the leaves EO contained 27.61% of α-pinene, 21.29% of β-pinene, and 8.62% of camphene while the figures for the rhizomes EO were 10.37%, 9.69%, and 12.1%, respectively. The EOs were also shown to exhibit strong antimicrobial activities against several pathogenic bacterial and fungal strains with MIC values ranging from 8-128 µg/mL, with the most potent activity against Enterococcus faecalis (8 µg/mL).
Antimicrobial activity, essential oil, Meistera caudata.
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