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Primary School Teachers' Determinants of Integrated Teaching for Realistic Math Education
Authors: Giang Thi Chau Nguyen, Chau Thi Hai Pham, Chung Pham Xuan Bich Ngoc Nguyen
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European Journal of Educational Research
: Volume 12, Issue 1     : 253 - 263.
Publishing year: 1/2023
The purpose of this study was to explore the factor structure of a measurement and to evaluate its internal reliability. Overall, 525 math-majoring elementary school teachers volunteered to participate in this study by answering online survey questions via Google Form. These samples were randomly partitioned into 262 participants for exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and 263 observations for confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The EFA tended to largely prefer a four-factor solution, which was proven to explain over 68% of the variation in the data. Awareness, effectiveness, engagement, and opportunity were the provisional labels for these hidden variables. The CFA results verified and validated the four-factor model, with all test measures exceeding the specified thresholds, suggesting an acceptable and excellent fit. The results of this study, on the one hand, provide four key areas for realistic math teachers, educators, and policymakers to discuss as opposed to examining individual indicators, and on the other hand, they serve as a foundation for interested researchers to conduct additional analyses, such as multivariate linear regression or complement for cluster analysis.
Exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, integrated teaching, practical setting, realistic math education.