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Authors: Nguyen Thi Giang An, Vu Thi Mong Mo
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Proceedings Of VietNam Natinal Conference On Biotechnology 2022
: số 4     : 355-362
Publishing year: 1/2022
Cancer is a disease with a fast growth rate and high mortality in the world as well as in Vietnam. Searching for new drugs capable of inhibiting cancer cell lines and enhancing the anti-tumor immune system with minized side effects is a top priority. Nobel enhance immunity is mixed from medicinal plants in traditional medicine with immune-enhancing effects to support cancer treatment. The results of acute toxicity test of liquid drug in purebred mice with BALB/c line orally at a dose of 75mL/kg body weight, determined almost non-toxicity to LD50. The semi-chronic toxicity test on adult rabbits, after taking liquid extract continuously for 28 days at a dose of 4.5 mL/kg/day (equivalent to human therapeutic dose), showed no differences in the weight, hematology, biochemistry, and macroscopic and microscopic images of rabbit tissue between the control group and the experimental group. In the herd of rabbits taking liquid extract at a dose of 22.5 mL/kg body weight (5 times higher than the therapeutic dose), after 28 days, rabbits had weight loss, decreased red blood cell count, and increased immature erythrocytes (p < 0.05), white Blood Cell and monocyte increased (p < 0.05). On microscopic examination of the spleen in the Billroth cords, there is evidence of erythrocyte filling and no apparent boundaries. In addition, other hematological and biochemical indicators, macroscopic and microscopic structures of the liver and kidney were normal. In conclusion, Sao Thai Duong company’s oral drug (Nobel tăng cường miễn dịch) is proven safe for animal testing.
Sao Thai Duong Company; acute toxicity; Semi- chronic toxicity; Immunity; Cancer, Nobel Immunity Enhancer.
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