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Transforming from free to subscription model in television and digital newspapers: transforming audience’s mindset
Authors: Nguyen Thi Quynh Nga
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Media economics in the context of digital economy
:     : 530-546
Publishing year: 6/2024
In the context of comprehensive digital transformation in all fields, traditional television and free newspaper reading are no longer suitable. Therefore, changing journalism business methods is a timely requirement. Converting from free to the subscription model (Subscription-Based Business Model) has been implemented at some Vietnamese newsrooms and television stations, which faces many challenges and difficulties. The article focuses on analyzing the context and difficulties that news agencies must overcome, thereby offering some recommended solutions to improve information quality and economic efficiency of journalism when converting to journalism subscription model, which essentially transforms the public's mindset with the habit of accessing free information.
Subscription-based business model, television, online newspapers, public journalism, journalism economics