State management of communication on the site
electronic information and social networks
in Ho Chi Minh City today
Authors: Nguyen Le Van, Tran Viet Quang
Vietnamese Social Sciences
: 2/2024 : 82 - 90
Publishing year: 2/2024
In modern life, communication, especially communication on websites and social
networks, develops at a very fast speed, directly and strongly affecting all subjects and in all areas
of life. social living. From there, there is a need to strengthen state management of
communications. The article explains the issues of state management of communication on
websites and social networks, and at the same time clearly shows state management activities of
communication on websites and social networks in Vietnam. Hồ Chí Minh City, besides the
achieved results, still has limitations, thereby proposing solutions to improve the effectiveness and
efficiency of state management to orient development and ensure a favorable environment. for the
development of communication.
State management, electronic information, social network, Hồ Chí Minh city