Tiếng việt
Bài báo khoa học
Bài báo khoa học
Chi tiết bài báo
66 (1B)
DOI: 10.31276/VJST.66(1).42-49
Publishing year:
Understanding of the role of pH in filling mezoporous silica with magnetic nanoparticles.
On magnetite concentrate grains with respect to their use in concrete.
Dispersion characteristics of a suspended-core optical fiber infiltrated with water
Influence of temperature on dispersion properties of photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with water
Properties of Photonic Crystal Fibers Infiltrated with Liquids
Influence of temperature and concentration of ethanol on properties of borosilicate glass photonic crystal fiber infiltrated by water – ethanol mixture
Quality analysis and evaluation of Dang sam roots (Codonopsis javanica (Blume) Hook. f. et Thomson) cultivated Thong Thu commune, Que Phong district
Properties of photonic crystal fibers with core filled carbon disulfide
Optimization for flat normal dispersion in a suspended-core fibers infiltrated with water
Structure, morphology, and magnetic properties of Fe3O4 synthesized by the thermal decomposition method
Optimization of optical properties of photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with carbon tetrachloride for supercontinuum generation with subnanojoule femtosecond pulses
Properties of photonic crystal fibers with core filled carbon disulfide
Optimization for flat normal dispersion in a suspended-core fibers infiltrated with water
Environmental Technology
Study on fabrication and colloidal stability of magnetic cobalt ferrite based nanofluids for magnetic resonance T2-imaging (MRI)
Phase refractive index measurements of water by the interferometry of broad light source
Tối ưu hóa quá trình chế tạo hạt nano CoxFe3-xO4 sử dụng ma trận Plackett-Burman và phương pháp đáp ứng bề mặt
Supercontinuum generation in solid-core photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with water-ethanol mixture
Influence of structure parameters on the supercontinuum generation of photonic crystal fiber
Optical bistability of partial reflection-coated thin film of oil red O
Supercontinuum generation in all-normal dispersion suspended core fiber infiltrated with water
A Comparasion of Photocatalytic Activity Between FeS2, Ni-Doped FeS2 Nanoparticles and Un-Doped FeS2/rGO Composite
Facile Fabrication of Fe 3 O 4 @poly(acrylic) Acid Based Ferrofluid with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Effect
Nghiên cứu khả năng ức chế nấm Colletotrichum và vi khuẩn Xanthomonas axopopdis gây bệnh thán thư và loét trên cam vinh của hợp chất đồng (II) oleat
Nghiên cứu chế tạo nano Bạc - Chitosan theo phương pháp bọc In-situ định hướng làm chế phẩm phòng bệnh trên cây trồng
Textbook of Nutrition, toxicology and food safety
Spatial modulation of Gaussian Beam by Dual-Beam Nonlinear Fabry-Perot Interferometer
Optimization of the ultra-flattened normal dispersion in photonic crystal fibers infiltrated with olive oil for supercontinuum generation
In-vitro antifungal activities of silver-copper complex/chitosan (Ag-Cu@CS) nanoparticles synthesized by in-situ encapsulation
Numerical simulation of all normal dispersion visible to near infracred supercontinunm generation in photonic crystal fibers with core filled chloroform
Properties of photonic crystal fibers with core filled chloroform
Nonlinear properties of microscope objective using organic dye
Silica-based photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with 1,2-dibromoethane for supercontinuum generation
Simulation Study on Supercontinuum Generation at Normal Dispersion Regime of a Carbon Disulfide-core Photonic Crystal Fiber
Measuring the refractive index of a methanol - water mixture according to the wavelength
Molecular Imaging Contrast Properties of Fe3O4‐Au Hybrid Nanoparticles for Dual‐Mode MR/CT Imaging Applications
Room Temperature‐Sintering Conductive Ink Fabricated from Oleic‐Modified Graphene for the Flexible Electronic Devices
Modeling of lead-bismuth gallate glass ultra-flatted normal dispersion photonic crystal fiber infiltrated with tetrachloroethylene for high coherence mid-infrared supercontinuum generation
Comparison of supercontinuum spectrum generating by hollow core PCFs filled with nitrobenzene with different lattice types
Silica-based Photonic Crystal Fiber for Supercontinuum Generation in the Anomalous Dispersion Region: Measurement and Simulation
Synthesis of copper (II) citrate and evaluation ofits in vitro antifungaland antibacterial activities, and the suitability of using this chemicalas a plant protection agent
Study on fabrication of tumeric oleoresin combination silver nanoparticles based chitosan and evaluation of its in vitro antifungal activity against Colletotrichum spp. causes of anthracnose in orange, grapefruit
Study on the fabrication of graphene nanoplatelets material for applied orientation in environmental treatment
Research on some agrochemical and soil characteristics of yellow camellia species in the Vu Quang National Park, Ha Tinh province
Fabrication of g-C3N4@porphyrin nanorods hybrid material via CTAB surfactant-assisted self-assembly for photocatalytic degradation of Cr(VI) and methylene blue
Experimental study of supercontinuum generation in water-filled-cladding photonic crystal fiber in visible and near-infrared region
Natural sunlight-driven photocatalytic removal of toxic textile dyes in water using titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanomaterials
Textbook of Human and Animal Physiology
Enhancing photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue by TiO2-CeO2 heterostructure under visible light irradiation
Synthesis and Evaluation of Copper Oleate Nanoparticles Against Citrus Anthracnose Caused by Colletotrichum gloeosporioides: In Situ Experiments, In Vitro Bioassays, and Field Trials
Optimization of Antioxidant Activity Extraction Conditions from the Stems of Rourea oligophlebia Merr. Using the Response Surface Methodology