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The suitable energy and protein levels in the diets for breeding xao va sows
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Journal for Rural Development & Rural Developmen
: 10     : 184-190
Publishing year: 10/2022
The study was conducted to determine the suitable energy and protein levels in the diets of breeding Xao Va sows. The experiment was conducted in 2 periods: pregnancy at 2nd phase (from 85th day of pregnancy to giving birth) and lactation for Xao Va sows. The experiment was arranged according to a completely randomized design with 2 factors per 12 experimental units (2 energy levels x 2 protein levels x 3 replicates/each combination of energy level and protein level), each experimental unit was a group of 3 sows. The two corresponding energy levels in the second pregnancy and lactation period are 2,950/3,050 and 3,000/3,100 Kcal ME/kg of feed. The respective crude protein levels in the above periods were 14.5/15.5 and 16/17%. The results showed that, for pregnant Xao Va sows, the 2 metabolic energy levels of 2,950 and 3,050 Kcal ME/kg of feed in the 2nd gestation period did not create any difference in reproductive performance parameters. However, sows fed diets with 15.5% crude protein had piglets’ birth weight higher than sows fed diets with 14.5% crude protein (2.60 vs. 2.27 kg/litter, 0.38 vs. 0.35 kg/head). For lactating Xao Va sows, the reproductive parameters are also equivalent between the two energy levels of 3,000 and 3,100 Kcal ME/kg of feed. Sows fed by 17% CP diet had a higher piglets’ weaning weight and a shorter waiting time for mating after weaning compared to the other group. There was no influence of the interaction between energy and protein on the study parameters in both periods. Thus, a diet with 2,950 Kcal ME/kg feed and 15.5% CP for pregnant Xao Va sows and 3,000 Kcal ME/kg feed and 17% CP for lactating Xao Va sows should be applied to improve reproductive performance of Xao Va sows.
Xao Va sows, metabolic energy, crude protein.
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