Strategies for mobilizing economic resources to cover healthcare costs for poor households in Vinh city, Nghe An province
Authors: Phan Thi Thuy Ha, Trinh Van Tung
International Journal of Religion
: 11 : 217-2188
Publishing year: 5/2024
Based on qualitative and quantitative data collected from the research project "Differences in Access to Healthcare Services among the Population during the Implementation of Universal Health Insurance Policies" (Case study in Vinh City, Nghe An Province), this paper explores strategies used by poor households to mobilize economic resources to cover their healthcare costs. It also highlights the difficulties these households face in mobilizing economic resources. What strategies have they chosen to meet their expectations, and what are the outcomes of these mobilization efforts? Despite significant efforts, poor households are still considered fragile beneficiaries in the context of implementing universal health insurance policies in Vietnam nowadays.
Strategy, economic resources, poor households, access, payment, healthcare services.