Potential risks of soil erosion in North-Central Vietnam using
remote sensing and GIS
Authors: Nguyen T T. Ha2,3 , Tran T. Tuyen2 , Astarkhanova T. Sarzhanovna3 , Hoang T. Thuy2 , Vu V. Luong2 , Tran D. Du2 , Dau K. Tai2 , Hoang A. The2 , Nguyen N. Thanh2,4 , Phung T. Duong5* , Vo T. T. Ha2 & Vo T. N. Khanh
Revista Brasileira de Engenharia Agrícola e Ambiental
: v.27, n.11, p.910-916, 2023 : p910-916
Publishing year: 7/2023
Unsustainable exploitation activities (UEAs), combined with the increasing impacts of global climate
change are the key causes that lead to soil erosion in the North-Central Vietnam. Mountainous areas in the NorthCentral Vietnam commonly have steep slopes and sandy clay in the surface soil layer, which contribute to enhancing
the soil erosion, resulting in a serious loss of life and property. This study investigates the land cover change (LCC)
across the Thanh Chuong district by combining Remote Sensing Technique (RST) data with Geographic Information
System (GIS) and further, establishing erosion risk hazard maps based on the RUSLE model simulation. To achieve
these objectives, Sentinel and Landsat satellite images from the period 2010_2021 were acquired. It was verified that
the forest area gradually decreased from 2010_2021, and the average annual soil loss was approximately 25 t per
year. The amount of erosion that led to a soil loss of up to 18% of the total land area is related to weather conditions,
terrain features, and the soil texture. The decline in the vegetation cover is expected to be the main cause of increasing
trends in erosion and soil loss.
erosion risk map, ecosystem service, soil erosion, sentinel, RUSLE