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Fault tolerant control for wheels mobile robot with actuator faults
Authors: Ho Sy Phuong, Mai The Anh, Duong Dinh Tu, Le Van Chuong, Ta Hung Cuong
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Publishing year: 8/2023
The central focus of this article revolves around mitigating the repercussions of faults occurring within the actuator - a pivotal element with the potential to significantly impede a twowheeled mobile robot's performance and operational efficiency. A specialized observer is devised to vigilantly monitor the dynamic state of the robot's system, enabling swift detection and evaluation of actuator faults that may manifest during its operation. From this information, the observer can gauge the extent of the fault's impact on the overall system, thereby furnishing vital insights for building a fault-tolerant control law. The control law is based on mathematical principles, information from observers, and the Lyapunov stability theory. The results obtained from simulations conducted using MATLAB-Simulink affirm the effectiveness of our suggested control law and make a small contribution to robotics and control engineering.
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