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An improved fuzzy support vector machine algorithm for highly imbalanced datasets in the co-authorship recommendation problem
Tác giả: Vo Duc Quang, Hoang Huu Viet, Nguyen Hai Yen, Tran Dinh Khang
108    3
2023 International Conference on Advanced Computing and Analytics (ACOMPA)
Quyển:     Trang: 46-53
Năm xuất bản: 11/2023
Tóm tắt
The co-authorship recommendation problem aims to suggest authors join research groups based on their research topics, expertise, and previous collaborations. To address this problem, we first model it as a co-authorship network, where each author is represented as a vertex, and collaborations between authors are represented as edges. This allows us to generate two-class imbalanced datasets derived from the co-authorship networks. We then propose an adaptive weight adjustment algorithm based on FSVM-CIL to classify highly imbalanced two-class datasets. To evaluate the performance of our algorithm, we conducted experiments using self-built co-authorship datasets of various sizes and imbalance ratios. Our experimental results show that our algorithm outperformed FSVM-CIL in solving the co-authorship recommendation problem.
Từ khóa
Co-Authorship Network, Fuzzy Support Vector Machine, Imbalanced Dataset, Recommendation Problem, Support Vector Machine, Tomek Links