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A Study of English Foreign Language Students’ Views on E-books and Their Effectiveness for English Language Learning in a Vietnamese University.
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Tường
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VietTesol Internatinal Convention 2023
: August 25-127     :
Publishing year: 8/2023
E-books have been a contested topic in the education field due to the doubt whether they are as effective in teaching and learning as compared to traditional books. The advancement in technology and the Covid-19 epidemic have made many Vietnamese universities switch to e-books. The purpose of this study is to examine the attitudes and learning effectiveness of English Foreign Language (EFL) students at Vinh University in Vietnam towards e-books in comparison to traditional books. Data on factors including student preferences, accessibility, interaction, learning efficacy, and health concerns were gathered through surveys and interviews. The findings of this study offer insights on how Vinh University EFL students perceive e-books and imply that, despite certain limitations, e-books are useful resources for language learning. This study is crucial because it shows how significant it is for institutions to keep funding e-learning, particularly in the aftermath of the Covid-19 outbreak.
Reading in an electronic age, Rating scales