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Form and improve legal consulting skills for bachelors of Economic Law to meet the requirements of the labor market
Authors: Phan Nu Hien Oanh
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Proceedings of the conference "Improving the quality of university training in Economic Law in the current context of integration and digital transformation"
: 1     : 153-161
Publishing year: 11/2023
The article mentions the need to form and improve legal consulting skills for bachelors of Economic Law right from the time they are in school, and the training requirements to form and improve skills. Legal consulting skills for bachelors in Economic Law, the current situation of training bachelors in Economic Law in response to the need to form and improve legal consulting skills for learners. On that basis, the article proposes some recommendations for training activities in the Economic Law major to help students form and improve legal consulting skills, meeting the requirements of the labor market.
Economic Law, Skills, legal advice