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Authors: Tran Cao Nguyen, Nguyen Khanh Ly, Nguyen Van Sang, Ho Thai Son
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European Journal of Plitical Sciences Studies
: 6     : 19-24
Publishing year: 2/2023
During his revolutionary activities, Ho Chi Minh paid particular attention to ethnic minorities - political subjects mainly in highland, remote and border areas. Appreciating the critical position of the mountainous region - which has a vital role in terms of economy, politics, foreign affairs and national defence; is the location of a “revolutionary base”, “where many ethnic minorities live”, “a place contiguous with neighbouring countries”. Ho Chi Minh always cares about this strategic area and gives special affection to the people of Vietnam's ethnic minorities. In particular, Ho Chi Minh took great care in training ethnic minority cadres to “make the ethnic groups gradually manage their affairs”.
Ho Chi Minh, cadre training, ethnic minorities, Vietnam
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