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Recent Development in the Synthesis of Thiazoles
Tác giả: Dau Xuan Duc, Nguyen Thi Chung
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Current Organic Synthesis
Quyển: 6/19     Trang: 702-730
Năm xuất bản: 5/2022
Tóm tắt
Background: Thiazole-containing compounds are widely found in natural products as well as synthetic sources. Many thiazole-based compounds possess a broad spectrum of bioactivities, and some of them are well-known drugs in the markets. The use of thiazole derivatives in other fields such as organic materials, cosmetics, and organic synthesis has also been widely reported. Due to a wide range of applicability, the synthesis of thiazole-containing compounds has attracted extensive interest from chemists, and many studies in the synthesis of thiazole skeleton have been reported recently. Objective: This review article will discuss recent studies in the synthesis of thiazoles (from2012). Besides the well-established Hantzsch thiazole synthesis, a large number of novel methods have been developed for the synthesis of thiazole derivatives. In most cases, reaction mechanisms have also been described. Conclusion: The synthesis of thiazole derivatives has drawn great attention from chemists, and many studies in the synthesis of these heterocycles have been reported recently. The classical method, the Hantzsch thiazole synthesis has received great research interest from chemists. Moreover, many new methods have been established to synthesize thiazole-derived compounds. Unquestionably, more and more approaches to access thiazole skeleton will appear in the literature. The application of well-established thiazole synthesis methods to the synthesis of drugs, organic materials, and natural products will almost certainly be studied
Từ khóa
α-haloketones, thioamides, acetophenones, isocyanides, thioureas, Hantzsch cyclization, thiosemicarbazides, thiazoles.
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