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The Impact of Online Self-Assessment on Learning Outcomes and Self-Assessment Skills Among Grade 11 Students in Vietnam
Tác giả: Tran Thi Ngoc Anh, Nhi Thi Nguyen, An Thi Tan Nguyen
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International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research
Quyển: 22 (4)     Trang: 21-35
Năm xuất bản: 4/2023
Tóm tắt
The application of information technology to self-assessment has received a lot of attention in recent years. Several previous studies have discovered a positive relationship between online self-assessment and academic performance. This study aimed to confirm the relationship between online self-assessment and learning outcomes and selfassessment skills among grade 11 students in Vietnam. With a total of 160 students, this research had been designed as quasi-experimental. The two groups did the self-assessment in different ways over the six weeks of impact implementation. To perform an online self-assessment, the intervention group employed interactive online exercises that delivered instant feedback on Liveworksheets. Throughout this period, the control group engaged in traditional self-assessment. The study found that the intervention group’s final test scores (7.7) were higher than the control group’s (6.3), and their self-assessment skills were more developed at the end of the study. The study confirms the positive relationship between online self-assessment and learning outcomes and self-assessment skills among grade 11 students in Vietnam. The findings suggest that online interactive exercises with immediate feedback can improve learning outcomes and that regular online self-assessment can enhance students’ self-assessment skills. Conceptually, this study contributes to the growing body of research on the application of information technology in education and gives insight into the potential of online self-assessment as a promising tool to promote student learning and development. The results of this study can serve as early data to investigate the effectiveness of online self-assessment in diverse educational settings.
Từ khóa
interactive online exercises; learning outcomes; online selfassessment; self-assessment; skill
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