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Communication Crisis-An issue requires attention from the national education system
Authors: Viet-Phuong Nguyen
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Internationa conference: Psychology and education in the context of social changes
:     : 284-289
Publishing year: 8/2023
Social media has become an information platform for families, schools and society to convey messages, feedback, expectations and thoughts about education. Social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or online messaging and calling platforms such as Viber, Zalo, Whatsapp, Messenger are the places to receive, process and broadcast educational information that is important to the entire population. However, the diversity of information including unverified information can lead to communication crises for individuals as well as educational institutions. The article focuses on analyzing the types of media crises, pointing out the crisis problems for each target group in society, and proposing solutions to effectively respond to the media crisis in education
communication, crisis, education, crisis management