Supercontinuum generation in C6H5NO2-core photonic crystal fibers with various air-hole size
Authors: Trong Dang Van, Lanh Chu Van
Modern Physics Letters B
: 37 : 2350063
Publishing year: 5/2023
In this paper, we demonstrated the ability of a hexagonal photonic crystal ¯ber (PCF) with a
hollow core in¯ltrated with nitrobenzene (C6H5NO2) to generate a broad SC spectrum at low
peak powers. Due to the non-uniformity of the air hole diameters, our new design allows for
simultaneous optimization of features, resulting in near-°at, near-zero dispersion, a small effective
mode area, and low attenuation for e±cient spectral broadening. We selected two
optimal structures from the simulation results to analyze the nonlinear properties and supercontinuum
generation. The ¯rst ¯ber, #HF1, with a lattice constant of 1.0 m and a ¯lling
factor of 0.45, operates in all-normal dispersion and produces spectral SC ranging from 0.81 m
to 1.919 m with a pump wavelength of 1.56 m, a pulse duration of 90 fs, and peak power of
0.133kW propagated in a 1 cm ¯ber length. The #HF2 ¯ber (lattice constant of 2.0 m, ¯lling
factor of 0.3) has an extended SC spectrum from 0.792 m to 3.994 m, a pump wavelength of
1.55 m, a pulse width of 110 fs, a peak power of 0.273kW propagated in a 15 cm ¯ber length.
The proposed ¯ber may be a new-generation optical ¯ber suitable for low-peak power all-¯ber
optical systems to replace glass-core glass ¯ber
Photonic crystal ¯ber (PCF); nitrobenzene-core (C6H5NO2-core); hexagonal lattice; supercontinuum generation; all-normal dispersion; anomalous dispersion