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Authors: Nguyen Manh Hung, Nguyen Tri Luc
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European Journal of Physical education and Sport Scicence
: 2     : 1-8
Publishing year: 9/2023
The purpose of this study was to select and apply selected exercises to develop speed endurance in 100 meter sprint for male students. 20 male students (aged 18.8 ± 0.9 years), non-specializing in physical education and sports, regularly attended physical education courses. The participants were divided into two groups: an exercise group and a control group. All subjects were informed of the experimental protocol prior to testing and signed an informed consent form. Participants in the exercise group followed a new exercise program for 8 weeks. Participants in the control group maintained regular physical exercises which were yearly assigned by the department and were asked to not do any new exercise program. After 8-week exercise training, the exercise group showed better performance in two tests in comparison with the control group. It can be concluded that selected exercises had good impacts on improving speed endurance and performance of 100 meter sprint for male students.
exercises, speed endurance, students
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