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Authors: Truong Thi My Hanh, Le Thi May, Nguyen Minh Quan, Pham The Viet, Truong Thi Thanh Vinh, Nguyen Thi Huong Giang
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VietNam Journal of Agriculture and rural development
:     : 153
Publishing year: 10/2022
The white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is one of the dangerous pathogens in brackish water shrimp farming, which has a major impact on industrial shrimp farming worldwide. Although the disease was discovered in 1992, it is still a disease-causing great damage to farmers. The early and accurate identification of the presence of a pathogen is of great importance in the elimination and prevention of shrimp diseases. Using samples of white shrimp infected with white spot virus (WSSV), extracting by 03 different extraction kits and assessing the extraction quality of 03 methods. Optimize the PCR process by changing the priming temperature according to the temperature range to determine the optimal priming temperature. The selection of an optimal PCR procedure for the diagnosis of WSSV in shrimp was obtained in Quang Ninh. The research results determine the extraction method according to the IQ2000-CTAB kit for the best effect. The Nested PCR diagnostic method uses primer 146 with 60 ° C primer temperature as the best, DNA concentration ≥ 0.3μg / ml. 45/140 samples of white spot shrimp were identified
diagnostics, optimization
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