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Narrow Listening as a Method to Improve EFL Learners' Listening Comprehension
Authors: Trần Thị Ngọc Yến, Rob Waring
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PASAA - A Journal of Language Teaching and Learning
: 64     : 194-215
Publishing year: 1/2023
The practice of narrow listening was introduced almost 30 years ago (Krashen, 1996), but has not received enough attention from English language teachers and researchers. Past research has placed a focus on the combination of this method and narrow reading, or the use of this method in teaching languages other than English. This study explored narrow listening as an independent method to improve EFL learners’ listening comprehension. The 38 participants in this study were intermediate EFL adult learners following a general English course. During the experiment, the treatment group were provided with narrow listening materials, while the control group were given listening exercises as homework. A pre-test and a post-test were used to measure the participants’ listening comprehension. The results indicated that the treatment group outperformed the control group on the post-test. Compared to their control group counterparts, the narrow listening learners gained significantly greater comprehension of the oral texts, even those about the topics they had not practiced during the treatment. The findings have suggested that narrow listening has a positive impact on EFL learners’ listening competence and that repetition in listening is advantageous to language acquisition.
narrow listening, listening comprehension, input repetition, listening skills, EFL listening
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