Preliminary evidence on laboratory experiments to detect the impact of transient fow on bedload transport
Authors: Łukasz Przyborowski, Michael Nones, Magdalena Mrokowska, Leszek Książek, Cong Ngoc Phan, Andrzej Strużyński, Maciej Wyrębek, Bartosz Mitka, Szymon Wojak
Acta Geophysica
: 70 :
Publishing year: 3/2022
Trapezoidal-shaped hydrographs are typical of anthropized rivers, as this form is generally associated with the release of water
from hydropower dams. To investigate how such unnatural waves can afect bedload rate, preliminary fume experiments
were performed in Krakow, Poland, looking at bedload transport rate, bed shear stress and bed morphology. In addition,
close-range bed surface photogrammetry was used to investigate bed changes due to the passage of the food wave. Three
scenarios, having the same water volume but diferent wave magnitudes, were tested. The lowest wave showed almost no
sediment transport and no visible changes in bed morphology, while higher waves changed the bed morphology, creating
erosion and accumulation zones. The highest wave was characterized by an 8-shaped hysteresis of the bedload rate with a
peak during the wave maximum. The lag time between the maximum bedload rate and the wave plateau was longer than
expected due to zero-slope conditions.
Acoustic Doppler velocimeter · Bedload · Unsteady fow · Laboratory studies · Velocity measurements · Digital close-range photogrammetry