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Authors: Tran Viet Quang, Tran Cao Nguyen, Nguyen Ho Thanh
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Eupopean Journal of Political Science Studies
: 5     : 140 - 146
Publishing year: 2/2022
In Vietnam today, strengthening defense and security education for all classes of people, especially students at universities, is an essential job. In particular, one of the critical factors contributing to improving the quality of defense and security education for university students is the teaching staff of defense and security education. However, the teaching staff of defense and security education in Vietnamese universities needs more quantity and has certain limitations in quality. The article outlines several requirements posed to the teaching staff of national defense and security education and, on that basis, proposes some solutions to build the contingent of defense and security education lecturers in Vietnamese universities to meet the current development requirements of the country
teaching staff, defense, and security education, Vietnam
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