Teacher ethics education for pedagogical students
Authors: Nguyen Thi Kim Thi
Journal of Education and Society
: Số đặc biệt : 106 - 111
Publishing year: 11/2022
Students (SV) of pedagogy (SP) are the future generations of teachers, the core force of the education industry. Therefore, they not only need to have extensive knowledge but also have pure moral qualities to deserve the mission of "growing people" trusted by society. In the context of many unfortunate incidents that occurred in the relationship between teachers and students (SV), demonstrating the violation and moral degradation of a part of teachers, causing public outrage, greatly affecting the quality of life. prestige and honor of teachers and teaching profession. Therefore, teacher ethics education for pedagogical students is one of the necessary measures today to contribute to the revival of the education system in the country. The article outlines the scientific basis of teacher ethics education for pedagogical students, analyzes the current state of ethics and teacher ethics education for students, thereby proposing solutions to improve the effectiveness of teacher ethics education for current students.
teacher ethics, moral education, students, pedagogy.