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Authors: Nguyên Anh Chuong, Nguyen Tuan Binh, Tran Xuan Hiep, Le Thi Dieu Mi
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Journal of Liberty and International Affairs
: Volume 8 · Number 3· 2022     : 307-319
Publishing year: 12/2022
TheXXIis considered by major countries in the Asia-Pacific region as „the century of sea and ocean‟ and is accompanied by fierce competition among the nations to gain interest in the sea regions. On the basis that previously only considered the competition for military objectives, geostrategic bases and traffic channels through the straits, nowadays,countries worldwidehave stepped up the competition for economic interests and marine resources. The development of military power and the competitive activities for resources at sea show clear the tendency to use the sea to contain the continent. In that context, the Indian Ocean,as the world‟s third largest ocean,has an important geographic location and rich and diverse natural resources;the arterial sea route is gradually becoming the center of new world geopolitics and an importantarea in the strategic competition between two „Asian giants‟ -India and China. The competition between these countries in the Indian Ocean is growing and profoundly impactsthe region‟s stability and security. This article focuses on the position and important role of the Indian Ocean in the policies of India and China, the fierce competition between the two countries in nearly two decades of the XXIcentury
Indian Ocean; India; China; Competition; Strategy