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A Survey on the Attitude of English Pedagogical Sudents at Vinh University Towards the Approach to Learning Through Computer Devices
Authors: Nguyễn Thị Tường; Vũ Thị Việt Hương
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Today"s Teaching and Learning Magazine
: Số Đặt Biệt tháng 10/2022     : 202-203
Publishing year: 10/2022
Abstract: In the current 4.0 era, learning through computer devices is considered a dynamic and convenient form of learning that can be conducted anywhere, anytime for students. For pedagogical students majoring in English at Vinh University, the approach to learning through computer devices has been actively implemented in recent years and has become an increasingly popular trend. The article describes a survey on the attitude of English pedagogical students at Vinh University towards the approach to learning through computer devices. The survey results are the basis for studying and applying English learning methods through computer devices for students.
Keywords: Learning through computer devices; Vinh university; student majoring in English.