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Auditing accounting estimates in current financial statement audits
Authors: Truong Thi Hoai, Duong Thi Quynh Lien
167    0
: Số Tháng 11/2022 (230)     : 50-53
Publishing year: 11/2022
Auditing accounting estimates in financial statements audit is not a simple matter. In particular, in some cases, these estimated items are the reason for material misstatement of the financial statements because they may be estimated based on the subjectivity or biased judgment of the directors. . The complexity of auditing accounting estimates needs to be studied more, even more detailed instructions should be given to the auditors (KiTV) by the auditing firms when they audit the financial statements. When it is found that any accounting estimate is considered high estimate without clear and convincing evidence, the KiTV should consider whether this uncertainty creates a significant risk or not. are not? The article refers to the audit of accounting estimates in accordance with Vietnamese and international auditing standards, in order to emphasize the important issues and notes when auditing accounting estimates in the current audit of financial statements.
Auditing, accounting estimates, accountants, auditors, financial statements