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Predict the critical load of rectangular concrete-filled steel tube columns with ultra-high-strength concrete with software ANSYS
Authors: Phan Van-Phuc, Pham Ngoc-Minh, Nguyen Thi Dieu-Thuy, Cao Thi Hao
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Multi-Hazard Vulnerability and Resilience Building
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Publishing year: 2/2023
This study presents a method to predict the critical load of short columns filled with super high strength concrete with rectangular cross-sections using ANSYS finite element software. The stress-strain relationship of super-high-strength concrete was considered in the form of confined compression, and the Drucker-Prager model available in the nonlinear material library was used to conduct a simulation. The parameters of the model in turn are considered individually, the obtained results were compared with the experimental results published by Xiong (2017). The final results of this study obtained the effect of the Drucker Prager model parameters on the results of the simulation method. Besides, the simulation results with the parameters of the Drucker-Prager model are also presented and the error compared with the experiment is not significant. This study also shows a simpler method than the simulation for the previous Drucker-Prager model.
super high strength concrete, Ansys Workbench, critical load, ultra-high-strength materials