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Basic Solutions For Development Of Vietnam's Digital Economy
Tác giả: Dinh Trung Thanh1 , Nguyen Thi Nhu Ha2 , Nguyen Thi My Huong3 , Hoang Ngoc Hai4 , Nguyen Thi Diep5 , Ho Thanh Thuy6 Nguyen Thi Hai Yen7 Tran Mai Uoc8
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Journal of Pharmaceutical Negative Results
Quyển: Vol.13 SPECIAL ISSUE 09 (2022)     Trang: 646-654
Năm xuất bản: 11/2022
Tóm tắt
The Fourth Industrial Revolution and the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT) mark a remarkable development in the use of data in activities of social life, especially in the field of manufacturing business. In that context, the digital economy is becoming an important development feature and trend, researched, applied and developed by many countries. In recent years, Vietnam has actively approached opportunities from the digital economy for economic growth. The Covid-19 pandemic has made the Vietnamese Government's interest in the digital economy even stronger. The article analyzes and clarifies the basic solutions to develop Vietnam's digital economy today. The results show that the value of Vietnam's digital economy is growing, besides, there are still difficulties and challenges in the process of implementing and implementing the digital economy. The article also analyzed and pointed out three problems facing Vietnam's digital economy today, reflected in the content that Vietnam needs to continue to harmonize between institutional reform in terms of business processes and business processes. technological opportunities for more effective governance in the digital age; development of digital financial services is to improve access and use of financial services; efforts to ensure inclusive digital transformation. The study also provides and analyzes three related solutions: institutions; develop high-quality human resources; network security, personal information security to develop the digital economy in the context of the 4th industrial revolution and post-Covid-19 in Vietnam today
Từ khóa
Digital economy; develop; economy; digitizing; Vietnam
Cùng tác giả
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