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Improving public service ethics of Vietnamese cadres and civil servants today
Authors: Le Thi Nam An
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Publishing year: 12/2021
Innovation practice test, evaluation study results to develop quality, ability of students in schools, faculty pedagogyApplycation of dialectical materialist methodology in accelerating innovation of our Party's current theoretical thinkingApply dialectical materialist methodology to build human resources for education in the process of integration in Vietnam todayChưa dịchHo Chi Minh Thought on staff evaluation - apply for renewal of the cadres of our Party todayMethodology of Marxist philosophy with the use of active teaching methods in the teaching of Marxist-Leninist sciences at the present university level.Improving professional ethics for students in universities, contributing to improving the quality of human resourcesApplying teaching according to CDIO approach for theorical reasoning of dialectical materialism in the module "Basic principles of Marxism - Leninnism" in Vinh UniversityDeviations from Ethical Norms ofSome Vietnamese Civil Servants and Remedial SolutionsThe role of civil service ethics standards and the content of civil service ethics education for civil servants in Vietnam todayThe standard deviation of a moral duty of cadres and civil servants in Vietnam today and remedies Thoroughly grasping the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress on improving civil service ethics for current Vietnamese cadres and civil servantsDevelopment of Office Culture and Public Service Ethics in Vietnam TodayDeviations from ethical norms of some Vietnamese civil servants and remedial solutionsSome solutions to overcome the deviation of civil service ethics standards of a part of officials and civil servants in today's market economic conditions in Viet Nam