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Applying flipped classroom Model to organize teaching drawing molecular structure content to promote student’s self - study ability
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Vietnam Journal of Education
: 22     : 7-13
Publishing year: 11/2022
The flipped classroom model is a form of teaching organization with the high support of information technology that has been of interest recently. Applying the flipped classroom model has many advantages in creating an effective learning environment, suitable for learners' different learning abilities and speed, thereby promoting self-study capacity for learners. The article focuses on presenting research results: Analyzing and applying the flipped classroom model to organize the teaching of molecular structure drawing under the topic "Practice of Chemistry and Information Technology” – Chemistry Learning Topic for 10th grade to promote self-study capacity for students. The research results help chemistry teachers have more skills in organizing and teaching learning topics to meet the requirements of the 2018 General Education Program.
Flipped classroom model, self-study capacity, study topic, structure molecular drawing, Chemistry 10th grade